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Teen Earth Magic 2009

Photos by George Franklin, Luke Hauser, Jason Johnson, Jada Faye. Photos copyright 2009 Reclaiming Quarterly.

Camp Epic, located in the rolling foothills of the Sierra-Nevada range in Northern California.

Teens learned about local herbs and edible plants being grown in a large garden on the land.

At a folksong workshop, we shared classic songs such as City of New Orleans and Blowin the Wind. Participants also discussed ways that we hold our voices back, and ways that we can strengthen confidence in ourselves and our voices.

A large seven-circuit labyrinth was mown in the field, and teens walked the circuits as part of one day's work.

At the center of the labyrinth, teens received a challenge from a veiled priestess.

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For more information, contact George or Riyana,

Click here for photos from Teen Earth Magic 2008!

Luke Hauser (aka George Franklin) is a freelance parajournalist in the service of the Goddess and planetary revolution. His photo-filled book Direct Action is an historical novel about Bay Area protests.
Photos ©2009 by RQ. Please do not copy, reproduce, fold, spindle, mutilate, or otherwise use them without written permission. Thanks!

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