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Teen Earth Magic Workbook - see it now!

Teen Earth Magic - photos and essays

Teen Tree-Climbing Workshop
Teen Earth Magic Photos - Page 1
Teen Earth Magic Photos - Page 2
Teaching Magic to Teens - an essay
Teen Activism Retreat photos

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Teen Earth Magic

An intensive retreat for Reclaiming-friendly teens

Teen Earth Magic is a Reclaiming-sponsored annual youth retreat in Northern California.

Camp is open to anyone who will be a teen anytime this year. Young adults can apply to be part of our Young Adult Path.

For more information on this year's camp, contact us.

In mid-June for the past ten years Teen Earth Magic has gathered in the woods of Northern California to deepen our relations with the Earth and with one another. Thirty young people and a half-dozen teachers have come together last year at Camp Epic in wooded rolling hills near Nevada City (in the Sierra foothills).

Teen Earth Magic is an intensive magical and activist retreat taught in the Reclaiming tradition - a focused workshop that includes ritual, earth activist skills, labyrinth work, encounter groups, and a lot more. Be ready to laugh work, create, play, sing - maybe all at the same time.

Come together with other young people who care about the world. Folks from a number of communities around the Reclaiming network will be taking part. Group-building and trust exercises are part of our work, and we hope to create lasting connections.

Click on picture for full-sized group photo

Once again we'll pack in a week's worth of workshops and other activities, ranging from nightly rituals to personal transformation work to a swim in a local river or lake to discussions about political commitment.

These Reclaiming teens' retreats are organized by teachers from Witchlets in the Woods family camp, with the support of parents and site-owners.

Teachers have included Riyana, George, Jason, Jude, Allison, Abel, Captain, Eddy, Trillium, Lindsey, Meagan, Fly, Vesper, Penske, Briar, and Seneca.

Longtime campers return as organizers and student teachers, making this a gathering of Reclaiming's most active youth and young adults.

For more information, contact us.

Click here for photos from Teen Earth Magic!

Teen Earth Magic Workbook - see it now!

Photos by Luke Hauser, Jason Johnson, and Jada Faye
Luke Hauser (aka George Franklin) is a freelance parajournalist in the service of the Goddess and planetary revolution. His photo-filled book Direct Action is an historical novel about Bay Area protests.
Photos copyright 2016 by RQ. Please do not copy, reproduce, fold, spindle, mutilate, or otherwise use them without written permission. Thanks!

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