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Teen Earth Magic 2009 info
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Witchlets in the Woods Family Camp
Teaching Magic to Teens - an essay

Teen Earth Magic 2009 - June 13-17 - Northern California

Teen Earth Magic 2008

A four-day retreat in Northern California

Photos by Luke Hauser

In mid-July 2008, a dozen teens and three Reclaiming teachers gathered at Camp Epic in the woods of Northern California for four days of deepening our relations with the Earth and with one another.

The first-ever Teen Earth Magic retreat packed in a week's worth of workshops and other activities, ranging from nightly rituals to personal transformation work to a swim in the Yuba River to a slide show and discussion about direct action.

The retreat was organized by teachers from Witchlets in the Woods family camp, with the support of parents and site-owners.

Half of the teens previously attended Witchlets, the other half were new. One person traveled from Texas, and a Dutch teen who has been part of the Loreley (Western Europe) Witchcamp teens path also attended.

For more information, contact

The retreat was held at the former site of Snow Mountain Camp, in wooded rolling hills near Nevada City (Sierra foothills).

Twelve teens and three teachers took part in the first-ever Teen Earth Magic retreat.

Activities included trances, nightly rituals, shadow and mirror work - and a night-campfire game of Two Truths and a Lie.

Singing from the Witchcamp Chantbook (available free on the RQ website - see site index).

Trampoline magic was an important part of the retreat.

Two teens discuss direct action protests - note copy of Reclaiming Quarterly, which carried photos of Spring 2008 anti-war protests.

Click here for the official group photo from Teen Earth Magic!

For more information, contact

Luke Hauser (aka George Franklin) is a freelance parajournalist in the service of the Goddess and planetary revolution. His photo-filled book Direct Action is an historical novel about Bay Area protests.
Photos ©2008 by RQ. Please do not copy, reproduce, fold, spindle, mutilate, or otherwise use them without written permission. Thanks!

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